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What is Builde?

Builde is a streamlined version of the BIBFRAME Model created by the Library of Congress. Developed in response to the changing needs of libraries, it offers a more agile and user-friendly approach than traditional cataloging methods. This vocabulary is integral to platforms like BiblioGraph and FOLIO, where it’s actively shaped and refined by a community of library professionals. EBSCO licenses Builde under a CC0 Creative Commons International License.

Purpose and benefits

  1. Interoperability: Builde ensures seamless data exchange across different library systems and the web, similar to the objectives of in the broader web landscape.
  2. Flexibility: Adaptable to various library needs, supporting diverse collections and new types of resources.
  3. Enhanced Discovery: Improves search engine optimization (SEO) for library catalogs, making resources more visible and accessible online.
  4. Community Driven: Continuously evolved and refined by direct input from librarians and library professionals using platforms like BiblioGraph and FOLIO.

How Builde works

Builde simplifies bibliographic description and data linking. It uses a set of predefined classes and relationships, allowing libraries to describe items in their collections comprehensively and in a human-readable and machine-processable format. This approach facilitates better integration with other web resources, enhancing the discoverability of library materials on the web.

Participation and collaboration

The development of Builde is a collaborative effort involving feedback and insights from a global community of library professionals. Libraries using BiblioGraph and FOLIO play a crucial role in shaping the vocabulary, ensuring it meets the diverse and evolving needs of the industry.

Future directions

As a forward-looking tool, Builde will continue to undergo continuous enhancement to align with emerging technologies and digital practices. Its adaptability makes it a robust tool for the future of library cataloging and metadata management.

Contact and contribution

We are committed to an open, evolving roadmap for Builde, and your insights are invaluable. If you have ideas for updates, enhancements, or new features, we encourage you to contribute them to BiblioGraph’s open roadmap. Anyone is welcome to submit an idea. Your suggestions will directly influence the future direction of Builde and its implementation in libraries worldwide. To submit your ideas or get involved in the conversation, please visit our roadmap submission page. Let's shape the future of library cataloging and metadata management together!