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Welcome to the documentation site for the Builde Vocabulary, an evolving tool designed to revolutionize the way libraries manage and share bibliographic data. In the tradition of dynamic web schemas like, Builde aims to create a standardized yet flexible framework for the library industry.

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The vocabularies

Builde consists of a base vocabulary and specialized vocabularies with additional terms added to accommodate specific use cases.

How to use this site

  1. Explore the vocabularies to understand the different classes and properties available for describing bibliographic metadata. Get started with key concepts such as Works, Instances, Agents, and Subjects.
  2. Builde is a data model developed by EBSCO to describe bibliographic resources in a Linked Data environment. It aims to replace the MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging) standard with a more flexible and extensible framework.
  3. Engage with the Builde community through the github repository. Participate in discussions, share experiences, and collaborate with others who are also exploring and implementing Builde.